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(Download) "Shidai" by Melissa Eury " eBook PDF Kindle ePub Free


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eBook details

  • Title: Shidai
  • Author : Melissa Eury
  • Release Date : January 25, 2010
  • Genre: High Tech,Books,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Science Fiction & Literature,
  • Pages : * pages
  • Size : 481 KB


Kuu and the four sisters, the last of the Shidai try and find their place in a world thathas turned their back on them. Kuu, heir to the throne of the lands of the West, mustwar within to decide to follow the enigmatic sisters or his fathers plan to place him onthe throne of the Emperor. Seiryu, youngest twin of the four sisters, fighting to breakthrough the walls she built about herself must decide between love and family. Suzaku,oldest twin of the four sisters, struggles to keep her innocence in a changing world.Byakko, second oldest of the sisters, struggles to keep her family together while longingto find herself. Genbu, the eldest of the sisters, struggles to understand her place in theworld and find happiness in her role as the familys head. Chaos threatens the balanceof the world, seeking to destroy the sisters and any that are assisting them in their quest.Torn from a loving family by the threats of war, the whispers of destruction, the Shidaisisters are hurled into the unforgiving, unfamiliar world where they are both revered andreviled. Traveling to keep the hounds of the Generals from discovering their location, thesisters find comfort within each other. Finding themselves trapped, captured, they mustfind each other and decide whether or not to fight for a world of people who offeredthem nothing but a cold shoulder. Ghosts of memories of the past haunt them, mysteriesof the people of the world intrigue them, voices in their head confuse them between aworld long past and a hint of a future yet to be.

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